Relocation and Immigration

Costa Rican Immigration Law allows for several different categories of legal foreign residents, of which the most popular among relocated expats are the ‘rentista’ (a person who receives a stable income -renta-), ‘pensionado’ (a retiree or other beneficiary of a permanent government pension), and the ‘inversionista’ or investor (an individual who has invested a minimum of USD$150,000 in assets in Costa Rica).

Investors and buyers of property in Costa Rica are many times foreign citizens, seeking to relocate to a more peaceful and friendly destination for themselves and their family members. Filing of a legal stay permit, commonly known as residency or ‘residencia’, the next step to take.

At UNIQUE, we assist our Clients in determining what residency application form is most suited to their particular circumstances. We then help them putting together a robust application, compliant with all legal formalities to successfully file the corresponding application with the Immigration Authorities.

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